1. According to rumours published by 9 to 5 Mac (Apple Intelligence), consumers may well see two new iPhones in September.
2. Quoting an 'iPhone source', 9 to 5, state that there will be two distinctly different devices appearing in the Autumn. One will be a low end variety to address the cheaper android market, and the second a higher end device with an all new design.
3. Presently, Apple sell, the lower end iPhone 3GS and the latest iPhone 4 models, so will September see the iPhone 4S as the lower end and the iPhone 5 as the latest must-have?
4. It is thought that the iPhone 5 will incorporate a faster processor, and also better camera.
5. Rumours are also rife that Apple may be introducing a 3G iPod Touch later in the year, a data-only service which would allow users to make voice and video calls, through the likes of Skype, to connect to social networks or play games online.
6. Apple hardly ever pre-announce any new products and until they do, rumour and speculation will continue.
Watch this space!